On Wednesday 21st March I performed part of my long poem '1969' at Antenna in Nottingham, as part of Nottingham Writers' Studio's 'Word of Mouth' event (which happens three or four times a year). The local actor Gary Keane played the part of Neil Armstrong (not Louis Armstrong, as the compere Robin Vaughan-Williams indvertently said). Gary did a great job of forcing me to shake the rug of the text, getting the dust off something I've been seeing as 'just text' for a good few years now. We woke it up. Plus, if I'd played Neil (or Louis) my American accent would have glided strangely into Cornish or Australian... So a big, big thank you to him. A YouTube video of the 1969 moonlanding was screened behind us, while 'Approaching Silence', an ambient piece by David Sylvian was played simultaneously as we spoke. I chose it because it's unobtrusive yet has an uncanny way of evoking space and weightlessness. I love Sylvian's work. This was my first forray into a multimedia performance and I think it worked well - I felt captivated as I spoke. Lost in it. Just hope the audience (at least 50 people) was too - though the video footage, shortly to be uploaded onto YouTube, shows me reassuringly in charge and professional. But I don't want my performance to be an extension of my teacherly abilities. I think being OUT of control, within preconceived parameters, might be a damn sight more interesting... I've got a taste for this now. I wish I could do the whole of '1969' in a similar way... with actors, images, sound. It's not a poem I could ever bring alive on my own.